
शुक्रवार, १ एप्रिल, २०२२

What success is! | Success Stories | Sonali Sandip Khopade

 What  success is!

Being successful is the desire of each one of us. Success is a journey not a destination. Success means doing things better than yesterday.

Three years ago, my journey of success began with the selection as a TAG Coordinator through telephonic interview with a member of British Council. I was very enthusiastic to be part of the TEJAS Project. And I got that opportunity through my first 5 days training at Nashik. This 5 day training gave me a lot of confidence that ' Yes, I can!" As Theodore Roosevelt said, "Believe you can and you're halfway there". That was my first step towards success! TAG meetings were the first platform to prove myself as a guide to improve teachers' professional understanding, practices and impact their learner's success.


I think of myself as the luckiest one that my TAG meetings were observed twice by British Council members. They both were very satisfied with my work as a TAG coordinator. That increased my confidence many folds. Self- belief and hard work will always exam your success!

I got another opportunity in TEJAS project as a MOOC Coordinator. I got training at RAA Aurangabad. That was amazing! All MOOC teachers of three clusters were totally involved in this course. Most of teachers received Gold band and silver band in this training. Although few of them got transferred, still they completed their MOOC course! That's nothing but a success to me as a MOOC Coordinator. Zoom meetings and video making gave them lot of self confidence. They started to converse with their students, colleagues and friends in English more confidently! Success requires daily action and their daily efforts took them towards success. Success doesn't just come and find you, you have to go out and get it!

Everyone likes to hear or read stories. Same is the case with me. In my childhood, I used to hear lot of stories from my grandparents. Because of this, regular reading became my hobby and habit since teenage. I always like to read inspirational success stories. But now, I have my own success story! Not only me, but my TAG members also have their own success stories about improvement in teaching profession. Many of them have published their success stories in the magazines and on WhatsApp groups.

As a TAG and MOOC Coordinator what else one can desire! Always remember, "Don't wait for the opportunity, create it yourself!

Mrs. Sonali Sandip Khopade

TAG and MOOC Coordinator


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