
शुक्रवार, १ एप्रिल, २०२२

Consistency Is The Way Towards Success | Success Story | Manjiri Mangesh Gaidhani

 Consistency Is The Way Towards Success

        I am Mrs. Manjiri Gaidhani , from Raigad Z.P. School Tadgaon Taluka Murud. First I would like to thank my TAG co-ordinator Mrs.Chandorkar Ma’am for giving me this opportunity to share the accomplishment of my students.

"May I go to the washroom?, May I go to play? Did you have your breakfast Madam?, Please check my homework."

        These activities also developed an enriched learning experience by providing them a chance of imagining new ways of solving an issue or answering a question. As a consequence of Covid 19, pandemic students became bored and inattentive about school. This is where TAG activities were very useful for me. The students got attracted to TAG activities and came to school regularly. Now students participate in TAG activities and really enjoy them. Their nervousness about English speaking has vanished.

These are the words of my Zilla Parishad Marathi medium students. Aren't you surprised ? This was only possible because of TAG. Even though I was teaching English for 19 years, I was lacking self-confidence in English speaking. At the beginning of TAG meetings, I was hesitating to share my ideas. Our TAG coordinator Ma’am noticed my issues, She told me to own my issues and overcome my flaws by motivating me to speak in English, which helped to elevate my confidence level. As my confidence level grew I started to use English in daily life as well as in school for the development of students. Initially, I used English to give simple instructions with actions such as "Open your notebooks, Go to your place, Go back, Come here" Thus students grasped these sentences and started using them.

Another vital factor that helped them to improve their English-speaking skills was "TAG Activities". As days passed students were excited about TAG activities. Due to TAG activities, students learned crucial skills which include teamwork, public speaking, expression skills, participation, a positive attitude and learned to share and care all at once. TAG activities are powerful tools for their future & give opportunity to face the world.

Ultimately I would appreciate my Tag co-ordinator Mrs. Chandorkar Ma’am who lend a helping hand to enhance me and my students English speaking skills, hence I believe little progress every day adds up to a big result.

Thanking You

Link for Playlist of TAG Activity Videos      Click Here to Watch Videos

Mrs. Manjiri Mangesh Gaidhani 
Primary Teacher
Raigad Z.P. School Tadgaon
Taluka - Murud
Contact No. 7350004442


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