
शुक्रवार, १ एप्रिल, २०२२

Success story of 100 days Reading Program | Success story | Swati Bhausaheb Lakudzode

 Success story of 100 days Reading Program

Title of Success Story

R.Z.P. School Gorthan Khurd, Centre - Tondali Narangi, Tal-Khalapur, Dist- Raigad, to develop communication skills in English through the games and activities of students.

 Need and importance

Everyone knows that importance of English language. Jawaharlal Nehru said that, “All regional languages must be developed and promoted but it does not mean that English should be discarded.” This means English gives us glimpse of the various development taking place in the world.

English is a language which is rich in literature, humanistic, scientific and technical. English is the store house of knowledge. English is our major window of the world and English is the pipeline for the stream of knowledge. Understanding the importance of English language Our government included English from 1st standard. Though we teach English from 1st standard. We and our student can not speak English like Marathi or Hindi. So that understanding need of English I take this subject for innovation. At the time of teaching I observe that teacher and student understand English, read and write English but cannot speak in English. We take English for study only. We can not speak English each and every time, so that our student also not speak in English. They hesitated this English. I attend MOOC and TAG training, I observe that me and my student we can not communicate English. So that I started this innovative program by arranging various activities and games.

I told to my student importance of English why English is necessary. English is the language of international trade and industry. English is one of the six official languages of the U.N.O. Our school is semi English, so understanding English is very necessary to my students from 1st standard. If they not communicate in English they never understand English. So, I take this program for developing communication skills in English.


ü To encourage the children to use simple words, phrases, expressions in English, regularly inside and outside the classroom.

ü To conduct various types of activities and language games throughout the year for the reinforcement of learning with fun and joy.

ü Try to express their thought in English.

ü To participate in dialogue and drama.

ü To speak anyone in English with confidently.

ü To listen others thought and reply in English.

ü To decrease their fear about English and increase their interest in English.

ü To find out which problems come in to communicating in English and to give

     solution to them.


To understanding the importance of English language and speaking with student. I understand that my student read, write and give answers correctly in English. They have obtained out of marks in English also I identified that their vocabulary is very enrich. But I observe that they can not speak English, they can not communicate their own thoughts, feeling in English. So that I take want to do something on this and I decided to research on this and doing innovative something for speaking.

At the first week of October I choice this project to develop communication skill through the games and activities and completed in four months November to February with successfully. Firstly, I speak in English simple sentence such as what are you doing? Why you are laughing? Why you are late? They only laughed on this, they don't give me reply. They understand but can not gives reply so that I think what I can do? For this I have solution of various games and activities. I did well and good planning for this program because planning is the first step of success.


I started to take various games and activities such as

v Siman says - In this game I give some instructions and they follow opposite to that instructions. So that they enjoyed this game so much. Their frighten became decrease about English. Their interest is increasing to teach another game of English. Next, I take another activity

v Action word activity - In this game I said student in circle to run run and again I asked them, what are you doing? They give me answer I am running. Like this I teach all action words such as walking, talking, playing, crying, clapping, tapping, slapping etc. Student enjoyed this activity so much.

v Various activities - Now they started speaking English I take mirror activity for body parts. They showing body parts each other. After that I take chain drill activity for sweet name, color name, flower name etc. I also take left and right activity for developing their listening skills.

v Language games - I take language games such as I give one word after finishing word they start from last letter of the word such as ten-net--tall-lamp etc. Maximum exposure to the language can be given through innovative types of language games at initial stage of language learning, language games help them to learn new language through play approach and fun.

v Basket game - I prepare various models of fruit, vegetables and other things for developing their Question skills. By showing this model one student asked to another student what is this? They give answer like this develop their speaking skills.

v Rhymes - I teach various rhymes, songs and poems in English out of their books so they well known about new words. Also, I have not accepted to translate the lines of rhymes. Children can understand the meaning of the words through associated pictures, actions and gestures.

v Stories - I teach their stories/skits narrating a story or enacting a skit is a very important and natural activity for the development of vocabulary, I diomatic expression. I read the story aloud student repeat after me. I demonstrate story with the help of picture. After that student listen carefully, observe and gives nice demonstration to me with proper gestures. I give opportunity to each and every child in the class to enact the stories.

v Conversation and dialogue - Take small drama, such as, vegetablewali shantabai, also I take sundara why don't you come to school? They take very interest in that and they like to speak dialogues so much. A variety of dialogue will give Maximum exposure and practice for spoken English. After that, I explain the situations in the conversation with the help of pictures. I demonstrate the conversation with the help of one or two children in the class. I read conversation aloud and asks the children to repeat after me. I give practice of the conversation in pairs and groups. I take care that each and every child participates in the conversation and encourage them for their performance. I said them always use expressions like 'excuse me', please, sorry, thank you, welcome, it's ok, see you, bye etc. In appropriate everyday situations.

v Vocabulary enrichment - I focusses on enrichment of vocabulary through picture reading, picture word association activities. I also use the textbook advocates the principles of word as a whole image approach. These words are from children's immediate surroundings, some content and structural words, naming words, action words, some word register (vegetables, colors, fruits, numbers etc.)

While handing with different types of vocabulary enrichment activities I should use Maximum flash cards with pictures, word strip charts, introduction of phonic approach and visuals. I focus the children's attention on the sounds of the letter and final sound, cluster sounds.

v Stone Painting - I introduces different words with the help of the pictures, things and object. I also done some Stone painting and said to student identify name and shape of this painting. I prepare sets of flash cards to introduce to give practice revise and evaluate the new word.

I use the words as a whole image and they should not give practice of individual letter in the word as spellings. I give the practice until each and every word is learnt as a whole image.

v Activity of vocabulary development - For the practice of New words, I take following activities

ü Listen and repeat

ü Listen and say

ü Listen and find

ü Look and ask

ü Say faster and faster

v Various games

·        Throw the ball - I said the children to stand in circle. He/She throws the ball to a child and asks the child to tell its name. The child who catches the ball, tells its name then throw the ball to another child asking the same question. The game will continue until all the children get a chance to answer

·        The game of addition - This game is taken for simple sentence learning and revision of learnt words. This activity is to be employed in a group of children. Adding name like fruits, vegetables, colors etc.

Conclusion and Benefits -

My students feel that they never speak English, but by applying this project they speak English confidently. They don't know how they speak English fluently. Children use simple words, phrases and expressions in English regularly inside and outside of the classroom. They involve various types of activities and language games throughout the year for the reinforcement of learning with fun and joy. They speak confidently into English also express their own thought in English. They actively participate in dialogue and drama. They speak anyone with confidently in English. They can understand others thought and reply in English. They speak English confidently and fluently. Their communication skill is well developed.

Effect of this program -

In my view anger only shows your inability to handle any situation and smile is the expression of lovely thinking. Always develop fragrance of knowledge, for making beautiful fruits of knowledge. I just try to make my students good speaker of English. I tell them only one thing at first that is Never think you are nothing, never think you are everything but always think you are something and you can achieve everything. You can become a very good speaker of English.

So, that they understand well and good give me proper response in this innovative program and we get great success they can speak fluent and confident in English. Their communication skill is properly developed and now a day at the lock down time they do practice of speaking English, writing words, poem, drama etc.

Swati Bhausaheb Lakudzode

Primary Teacher

R Z P School Gorthan Khurd

Centre - Tondali Narangi

Tal - Khalapur, Dist - Raigad

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