
शुक्रवार, १ एप्रिल, २०२२

Marvelous Experience With Tejas Project | Success story | Ashwini Sandipan Salgar

 Marvelous Experience With Tejas Project

I would like to share my success story with all of you. When I was selected as aTag Teacher in British council's End Line Survey discussion committee by conferencing. That video conference was online because of Covid-19 pandemic period. This conference was conducted on 17th and 19th March 2021 by British council members-

Rustom Modey -Senior Academic manager East, Northeast and west India.

Charlie Walker - Director Global Network

Kate Ewart Biggs - Chief Executive

Kennedy Rowan

In that meeting I represented Raigad District and explained " Impact of Tejas Project."  Really that was marvelous experience! It's challenging and proud movement for me. That will be a memorable day in my life.

I got lots of things from Tejas project. TEJAS project is like its name TEJAS. TEJAS means Brightness and Brilliance. I got " that Brightness and Brilliance of effective knowledge through TEJAS project "

I got confidence because before joining Tejas Project I was not able to speak 4/5 sentences in front of the people; but now I can speak English very well.

The most important part of Tejas is TAG Meetings. These meetings are different as compare to other trainings. I got actual teaching techniques form Tag meetings. Tag meetings are good platform for me. There we share our ideas, teaching techniques and activities. so I learnt new teaching techniques. I got innovative activities which I can easily implement in my classroom.  There we share our success stories also. Not only success stories but also share our difficulties, which we face in our classroom while teaching.  There I found faithful answers from my colleagues as well as from my TAG Co-ordinator Sonali Khopade Ma'am.

       Before joining TAG, in my school there was no proper environment for teaching English language and conversation. I used to teach my students by using theoretical and traditional methods. I used to take activities but sometimes, so students didn't have interest in learning English language. But after joining this TAG meeting, it changed my approach towards English subject means now I conduct warmer activity first for creating joyful atmosphere just like -point to the activity, name game activity, chain drill activity etc. that's why students get more interest in learning English and more fun from activities. As a result I found expected changes in my students.

          In the tag meetings there are four sections

1. language development. 

2.learning by reading.

3. learning by watching videos

4.reflection and action planning

These all sections are very useful for my CPD, because my Co-ordinator focus on our basic vocabulary, grammar and fluency. If I have any problem that time ma'am help me, guide me and encourage me time to time. That helps me to gain confidence. Now I strongly believe that I will achieve accuracy level soon.

My students are able to speak about themselves. They can understand short stories, enact role play, they can use simple sentences in the classroom, they are able to use dialogues in theirs day-to-day conversation. During activity time not only talkative students but backbencher students also participate with full of zeal.

Some videos I uploaded on our schools YouTube channel. Parents watches that videos and give me positive feedback just like - 'our kids became more confident, they can speak in English with us’. That's why I realised that me and my students are on the right track!

Tejas project is really boon for me. It boosted me.

I am very thankful to Tejas Project, Diet Panvel, Block Education Department, Respective CPS and Co-ordinator for developing my You Can Do spirit.

Thank you

Mrs. Ashwini Sandipan Salgar

Assistant Teacher

R Z P school Chambharkhind,  

Tal. Mahad, Dist. Raigad

Email id:

Mobile no.: 8411988279


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