
शुक्रवार, १ एप्रिल, २०२२

Importance of English Language | Success story | Gitanjali Hanumant Shelke

 Importance of English Language

English is a language … not a Measure of intelligence …”

‘Are you shocked?’ When you read above quote yes same here because from my childhood day to now I listened one thing an Indian people have a mentality they judge people by using language who are speak English those are intelligent compare to the native language. Who do not have a good command of the English language they are less educated or intelligent but when it comes to foreign countries like Japan, Germans where English is not the first language may be find it hard to speak it fluently but that does not mean they are less educated. When our country if we tried to speak English rest of the people pulling our legs they make prank, laugh on us, take more bothers for mistake, procostination habit also impact on our communication. But in my perspective learning a language is a never ending process. Try to being a blank state or a student then we will reach to fluency.

So my dear friend I wanted to share with you my own experience to learn English language. Before 2 years back one parent came in my school they wanted to take his a sons admission in my school. They wanted to take his a sons admission in my school This family due to pandemic migrated in our Mangaon block from that Bombay. They talked with us while speaking we realized they spoke prodigious English and when we were familiar to them I asked to them how can you spoke in that fluent way? What about your education? I was shocked to hear what they had to say they told I just completed my 8th standard education in vernacular medium. That time I thought I had completed my M.A. English degree still. I am not speak very well. I shamed on myself. Then he told I work at where almost everyone speaks in English.

Then I understood for speaking English language surrounding and our burning desire is important then the day will came soon… Dawn is never far away with us. Then I joined 2-3 online classes or offline classes also I revise some grammar rules which one I learned my school days. Then I follow some uninteresting habit like listen something in English read everyday in English. Speak to someone in English, made vocabulary notebook. These all habit I followed everyday for one-one hour. It is not interesting me but I followed very consciously because speaking English is my dream which one I got. So my friends days are coming in our life but years aren’t come so leave procostination and focus on process not only result.

I wanted to tell you one thing “Use English for express ourselves, Not impress to some ones.”

Then I got opportunity to become a ‘tag coordinator’ this one is playing vital role boosting my confidence. Then I work with along with my teachers friend. When I took 1st tag meeting in that meeting I saw every teacher they understood English very well They spoke also but lack of confidence or having some fear to related this one language. That’s why they couldn’t able to speak in front of this group. But I build theirs confidence. I support to them and told to them don’t focus on Grammatical rule just spoke spontaneously enjoy every activity which one I took under our four basic resources learning by watching learning by reading language development. Now everyone expresses ourselves for fun, enthusiasm. They become more confident so that’s why in my perspective our government took authentic initiative for us.

When I played some activity with my student I saw enormous changes on them. Some student make sentence, some read very well, some collect more vocabulary by fun, every student make one-one sentences and some ask question also, they understood instruction in that way we got result so I would like to thanks to everyone they took precious substance.

Mrs. Gitanjali Hanumant Shelke
Primary teacher
R Z P School Vikas Coloney,
Block- Mangaon
Dist.- Raigad

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