
शुक्रवार, १ एप्रिल, २०२२

Learn a ton, English is a fun | Success story | Vinod Damodar Mhatre

 Learn a ton,  English is a fun


Myself Vinod as a highly motivated English TAG coordinator. I am introspecting summaries of my project implemented as named '' learn a ton, English is fun". Three years ago, when I went to my new school, my domain as English teacher, I always dare to innovate new project, activities, songs and games. As I started teaching English, I noticed clouds of English fear surmounted on the heads of my little angels. Students are unfriendly and annoying about English learning.        


They may think English is there enemy subject. Students were not ready to read single word. While performing English reading, replies are as, “Stop teaching, stop teaching” they started to shouting. Challenge stood in front of me, ‘How to deal with such adverse situation?’ My never say die spirit stood firmly. I started to make learning English funny and enjoyable. My activity originated namely “learn a ton, English is fun.”

While planning for this activity I planned for 100 days in which various fun games, songs, stories, picture reading and funny activities were planned. So, for the first three week I started playing various funny English games like Back to the board, word ladder, word puzzles, slap the board create interest to learn English in student. I showed the cartoon videos in English, created the sweetness of the English assembly. Then I realised that students are enjoying the English subject and they are ready to read.

 Then I started an English reading program one hour before the school started, I called the student and started teaching them one component from my planning sheet each day. First, I taught the entire alphabet, I begins to teach words based on the patterns of letters. The simplest ones to learn are the consonant vowel, consonant pattern. I started with this pattern.

While teaching I practice a lot of content related to the element using a variety of stories, videos, dialogues, helped students to overcome their fear of reading English. There is no short cut to success, the road to success is thorny and very long. Those who dare to cross this road and undertake the tedious journey with a continuous effort always find leisure at the end.

Now my students are not afraid of English.  They have started liking English subject. They are proficient in English reading and writing. Greetings, asking questions, getting permission, conversations and suggestions are all done in English.  The students are giving speeches in English with confidence and the best part is that they not only like English subject but also love their English subject teacher.



Mr. Vinod Damodar Mhatre

Primary Teacher

Zillha Parishad School - Borve,

Tal- Pen, Dist - Raigad

Contact:- 7798266800

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